The first album from this Australian band. It came out in Australia in 1981 under the title “Of Skins And Hearts” and was released in the U.S. a year later as simply “The Church” with slightly different songs and sequencing. This record is not that good and is not like the music they would be playing later. I only listened to side one once when I bought it and didn’t like it very much. Side two is little better with the song “Sisters” showing a glimpse of what they would sound like in years to come. “Memories In Future Tense” has an almost Heavy Metal feel to it while “Don’t Open The Door To Strangers” is just plain bad. I became interested in this band in the early 90’s and bought about eight of their records on cassette and and six of their newer releases on CD. The tapes are gone but I still have the CD’s. I bought this used album at a very small record store in Reading in 2017.