A little Jazz for you here. Ron Carter is best known for being the bass player in Miles Davis’s band in the 60’s. This record from 1974 on the CTI label features Joe Henderson on sax ad Billy Cobham on drums. The tracks I like are the somewhat funky 117 Special and the Miles Davis composition “All Blues” on side two. I had heard some Jazz before but not until 1990, when an ex-con who I was giving a ride to work sold me 60 Jazz cassette tapes packed in two cases. Most were from the 50’s and 60’s ,one case had artists on Colombia and the other was artists on the Blue Note label. I don’t like vocal Jazz or Smooth Jazz but upon listening to these tapes I really liked the improvisation and ended up buying many more albums on cassette and CD. I sold most of them in 2013 and only have about 30 CD’s left. I have bought a few on vinyl since then.