Caravan-Cunning Stunts

This was released in 1975 and their last album with Decca although the label on my record is on BTN and is a promotional copy. To me this is their weakest record of theirs I own with some songs very un-Caravan like.”Lover” is a ballad by new bass player Mike Wedgwood who had previously been in Curved Air.Probably the best song is “No Backstage Pass” which is featured in the Stoned anthology. Side two is an 18 minute composition called” The Dabsong Conshirtoe”, in keeping with their quirky song and album titles. This is more like what you would expect from Caravan with long instrumental sections, mainly keyboards. After this their albums and songs were shorter more pop oriented and did not sell well. They have had several reunions and tours with different members, still playing in this decade.

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