Don Van Vliet A.K.A. Captain Beefheart was a high school friend of Frank Zappa’s in Lancaster,Ca. and did some things together before going their separate ways.This is his third or fourth record from late 1970 after the acclaimed Trout Mask Replica produced by Zappa in 1969. I had that record at one time but didn’t really like it so I sold it. This record is still rather choppy and disjointed but the playing is top notch,mostly some kind of weird blues. 15 short songs,only two over three minutes with titles like “I Love You,You Big Dummy”,Bellerin’ Pain”,”The Clouds Are Full Of Wine(Not Whisky or Rye)”,and”Flash Gordon’s Ape”. Although he has a wide vocal range I would not consider him a good singer,his voice is kind of scratchy and many times he is talking more than singing. His lyrics are also strange and disconnected.Still it’s a fun record to listen to. Most of his records have been re-released in the last five or six years and are reasonably priced,under 20$.