This is their first album from early 1968. Formed by Al Kooper and Steve Katz after disbanding their last band The Blues Project,this is the only record Kooper played on.This first edition of the band also included Randy Brecker who also left after this record. A good collection of rock.blues and jazz with plenty of horns and strings. A couple songs sound like they could be from a Broadway Musical. I always liked “I Love You More Than You’ll Ever Know” and” I Can’t Quit Her” both of which are on their Greatest Hits Record.The whimsical “House in the Country” was a song I hadn’t heard in thirty years or so and never knew it was by B.S.&T. After this record David Clayton Thomas replaced Kooper on vocals. I bought this record used in early 2019. I don’t remember what I paid for it but it looks like a first edition pressing. A little scratchy but no skips.