My second favorite Beatles album recorded not long after The White Album but not released until 1970. Another one of my friends brothers records we listened to. Most of the songs are pretty striped down with not a lot of production. I bought this album new in 2016 . One skip.
In 1975 I went to some kind of Beatles convention with a friend of my sisters who was a big Beatles fan. Saw the movie for the first time which was really a documentary about making this record.There was also a Beatles tribute band playing. In 1970 I remember sitting in a diner or ice cream shop with my Aunt and Brothers and Sister(I don’t think my youngest sister was there) and hearing the DJ say they had broken up and then playing “The Long and Winding Road”.Whenever I hear the first few words of that song it brings me back to that moment.But the 60’s were over and the 70’s were the decade of the Rolling Stones. I wont be getting to them for a couple years yet.