Unusual for a bands first album to be a live one but it does happen. This record could almost be called “progressive” with five of the six songs over 7 minutes long with lots of guitar and keyboard solos.This is truly a great record.Tony Kaye,the original keyboard player for Yes and Brian Parish on Guitar are backed by a cooking rhythm section. Most of the songs seem to be about redemption. “The Preacher” is about an alcoholic preacher trying to get his life together. The closing track “On My Way Home talks about going home to Jesus. I bought this record in 1973 when it came out because of the Roger Dean cover of two badgers under a tree in a snow filled landscape. Unfortunately this record “disappeared” along with some others in 1979 while living in a house with some other people. I found it on Compact Disc about 20 years ago but sold it in 2013 when I sold most of my CDs. I was very pleased to find a used vinyl copy in a record store about 2 years ago for 8$.Well worth it.